
Participation in the Ebisu's Bay ecosystem is not just about engagement but also about meeting specific criteria to qualify for rewards. As detailed in the "Ryoshi Changes" section, deploying Ryoshi towards a defined purpose is crucial for eligibility. However, holding $Mitama tokens is equally important, serving as a key determinant in the payout percentage a user can receive from the rewards pool.

Mitama Thresholds for Reward Eligibility

$Mitama tokens represent a user's stake and involvement in the Ebisu's Bay ecosystem, directly impacting their reward payouts. Below are the thresholds and corresponding payout percentages based on the amount of $Mitama a user holds:

Enhanced Payouts for Listing Rewards

For users focusing on listing rewards, holding significant amounts of $Mitama can lead to even greater payouts. The platform introduces enhanced payout percentages as a reward for substantial $Mitama holdings:

Listing Rewards Limit

A new system will be put into place allowing sellers to earn Listing Rewards on higher than 50 Listings. This will be based off of XP Levels and other powerful yet to be discovered artifacts.

Participation and Engagement

To qualify for rewards, users must actively participate in the platform's activities. This involves deploying Ryoshi towards influencing outcomes in desired reward categories, such as listing rewards or decentralized exchange (DEX) farming rewards. As described in Ryoshi Changes Section. Active engagement ensures that the ecosystem remains vibrant and that rewards are distributed to users who contribute meaningfully to its growth and sustainability.