
Game Overview

Uses: Ryoshi Playing Cards, Koban, Fortune

Player Count: 5 to 10 players per game session

Game Description

Ryoshi Playing Cards Poker is a decentralized poker game where players use their NFT playing cards in a competitive environment. The game integrates DeFi elements by using Koban and $Fortune tokens, providing an engaging experience for players in the cryptocurrency space.

Game Mechanics

Entry and Payouts

  1. Base Entry Fee: 50 Koban per player.

    1. Players select two cards to enter the gameplay with.
      1. This removes cards from the dealers “deck”
      2. Entering with a card puts it on a 1 week cooldown period it can not be used again during this time.
      3. Players entering with duplicate cards the “edition” will be the tiebreaker (1 being the best)
  2. Payout Pool: 80% of the total Koban entry fees, distributed among winners.

  3. Burn Mechanism: Remaining 20% of Koban is burned.

  4. Higher Payout Tiers:

    <aside> 💡 100% of $Fortune used in these tiers is burned. Higher tier has a chance to win rare ryoshi resources.


Game Duration and Structure

  1. Total Game Duration: 1 Hour
  2. Phases:

Player Participation

  1. Minimum Players: 5
  2. Maximum Players: 10
  3. Game Frequency: Every 2 hours