Starting January 8, 2024, there will be an update to how points are earned on Ryoshi Dynasties. Game will transition from the original “Weekly Points” game to “Continuous Points” (Daily Points).
A game will continue to run over the course of 1 full week. Games will continue to “Reset” every Monday (when weekly timer runs out).
Gameplay Changes
- Points are now distributed every 5 minutes to factions in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place on each control point. This is still a snapshot system, so the factions that own these positions at the end of the 5-minute period will receive the points.
- The previous point value of a control point is the number of points given each 5 minute period, with 1st place taking the full point value, and 2nd and 3rd receiving 2 and 1 points respectively.
- All restrictions on earning runner-up points when winning any control points have been removed. Example: The same faction can now earn 1st place in one control point and still earn points for finishing 2nd/3rd in any other area of the map.
- “Total Control Bonus” still applies. So any faction that controls an entire region will earn the bonus. Bonus can be earned every 5 minutes if the same faction keeps control of the entire region by snapshot time. Example: Having control (1st Place) of Izanami’s Cradle Region, which includes Verdant Forest, Felisgarde, and Ebisu’s Bay will yield the faction 3 additional points.
- If a faction ends the game (final snapshot) in first position on any control point, they will receive a one-time bonus of 100x the control point value.
- The points cap for any one faction is now 60,000 points. You will not earn extra points above this.
- The faction who has earns the most points at Ebisu’s Bay control point (located in Izanami’s Cradle region) will get an added bonus of the ability to stake the faction collection NFTs in the Town Hall for one week. FRTN will be distributed evenly among the staked NFTs (deposited into Rewards Vault). If a faction is composed of 3 collections, all 3 collections will be eligible for staking rewards. Town Hall staking for the winning faction is optional and not required. Users will have to decide whether to continue earning listing rewards or to stake in the townhall (cannot do both).
- Even though there are many more points in play now, the listing rewards formula will not change, as it uses a percentage of the total points to distribute the FRTN.
Example 1
Faction A is in 1st position on SeaShrine, a control point worth 10 points. They are also in 2nd position at Ebisu’s bay, and 3rd at Iron Bastion. Whilst in these positions, they will receive 13 points every 5 minutes, with the breakdown as follows:
- +10 - 1st place at SeaShrine